Massage with Jackie

Frequently Asked Questions


I don’t believe massage needs to hurt in order to “work.”

Our muscles have so many reasons to hold on. My goal is to give them space to let go and relax if that is what they want. I believe our body knows what we need.

I believe muscles respond best when we are relaxed and able to be in our bodies. I practice deep tissue massage, and that doesn’t mean I’m using the most force possible. I’m happy to apply as much pressure as you’re comfortable relaxing and breathing into. While pleasant discomfort can be productive, I aim for you not to experience pain or guarding during your massage. I don’t want to give your muscles another reason to hold on.


Whatever helps you feel comfortable. There is no “right way.” Some suggestions to try out as/if they feel comfortable:

BE FLOPPY. When I move your body around, it’s easiest if you don’t help unless I specifically ask. I might occasionally ask for you to push against my hands or to move a certain way, but for most of your massage, you’re encouraged to be as floppy as a sleeping cat.

BREATHE! Send your breath to where I’m working and breathe into any tightness or discomfort. This greatly increases muscle responsiveness, and leads to more productive sessions.

NOTICE Massage can be an incredible tool for increased self awareness and healing. Pay attention to what you feel during your massage. Are there muscles you didn’t realize were tight? Where is your body holding stress? What feels particularly relieving? What feels open? How do you feel emotions in your body?

LET ME KNOW The massage table can be a challenging place to advocate for yourself. Please know that I want your massage to be what you want and need it to be. Are you too hot or too cold? Could the pillow under your legs be bigger/smaller/placed more comfortably? Is the pressure I’m using causing you to guard or to be unable to breathe normally? Would you like more pressure? Would you like me to spend more time where I’m working? Somewhere else? Let me know!

SLEEP People sometimes express feeling like they “missed” their massage if they fall asleep. Staying awake and falling asleep can both be excellent ways to experience bodywork. Our sleeping bodies are intelligent and aware bodies. Sometimes, sleeping during bodywork is just what a body needs.


Nope. Let me know as soon as possible and I’ll be happy to reschedule with you!

If you feel like you’re getting a cold, massage is likely to make you feel worse.


There is inherent risk in getting a massage. Some precautions I'll be taking:

  • I am vaccinated and will happily wear a mask if you wear one or if you’d like me to wear one.

  • A HEPA air filter will run during and between appointments.

  • As always, I launder all linens between clients and wash my hands and arms thoroughly before and after each massage.

If you have any questions or concerns, I'm happy to discuss them with you.


Whatever helps you feel comfortable. For the style of massage I do, the least amount of clothes that feels comfortable to you is best (no clothes at all is quite normal). It is especially helpful to take off necklaces, bras, and binders. With that said, I believe massage is most effective when we can relax into the experience, so please wear whatever helps you relax. If you choose to wear a bra with a clasp, I may ask if I can unhook it while you are face down - please say no if you don’t want that.

You will be covered by a sheet and a blanket throughout the massage, and I will uncover parts of your body only as I work on them. I’ll leave the room before and after the massage in order for you to undress and dress in privacy.

I’ll ask if there’s anywhere you would prefer not to get worked on, and I will always respect your requests.


Please contact me before booking an appointment if you have specific questions about the space or the session. If the space doesn’t work for you, I am happy to bring a table somewhere that does.

There are 6 stairs with a rail at the entrance of the building.

I am happy to assist you onto or off of the table.

The table supports 800 pounds. There is always the option of floor or chair work instead.

There is a bathroom everyone is welcome to use.

I use fractionated coconut oil. If you are allergic, let me know what precautions I can take while using a different oil (e.g. I’m happy to use sheets that haven’t been exposed to coconut oil, etc)

There are so many barriers to receiving bodywork and other healthcare services. Racism, ableism, transphobia, and fatphobia are just a few of the systems that affect us all and play roles in how and if we are able to access bodywork. Many of us have complex relationships to touch and with our bodies. I would be honored to work with you.